Why I Want To Attend Law School

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As we journey further into this course, and are able to meet a multitude of alumni and working professionals, it makes one begin to consider both the value such an experience allows and how it relates to their future career goals. As someone who had a fairly planned out course of action in terms of career development, I myself find myself, not questioning my plans, but bringing into questions what other options I have. As someone who has a past of being very indecisive, no matter what path I plan to go on, I typically make decisions in which can provide me multiple different options that I could potentially choice. Should I change my mind, or merely get bored and want to do something different. Through the alumni contacts throughout this …show more content…

Just this past weekend, I took the LSAT. Nerve-rackingly I now have to wait three weeks to get my scores before I can really know what my next step is, for it truly depends. Hopefully I will do well enough to be able to confidently start visiting law schools I would like to potentially attend and start applying. However, on the chance that I do not do well enough I would have to make a decision to either retake the LSAT or develop another course of action. Currently I am preparing for the chance I do not do well and have been looking into multiple other options. Largely I am looking at taking the GRE in order to apply to graduate schools, or to join the Peace Corps. Ideally, if law school turns out to no longer be an option I would like to still work in regards to international relation/politics, specifically with the United Nations, which would require me to go down one of the two alternative paths mentioned above. In relation to alumni contacts, if I could get in contact with an alum who has gone down one of my alternative paths, it would be very helpful should I select either one, for the process would be one that I am not entirely knowledgeable yet. Gaining advice for other career options is also something that I seek, because I like being able to keep my options open but knowing how to go down each

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