Why I Hate School Guys Research Paper

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Why I Hate the Guys at my School

The majority of the boys at my school act like they’ve been raised by a pack of wolves. The boys in my school act as if their parents didn’t install morals into them, and maybe some of them didn’t, but that is still no excuse for someone to come to school and act like a fool everyday. They either disrupt class, fight, or cuss out any person that walks within a five feet radius of them. Although not all guys at my school are disrespectful a vast majority are and they show their disrespect through actions such as disrupting class. For example a boy in my class walked into first period late. Not only was he late, he made a big scene out of it by yelling out to his friends while the teacher was trying to explain something to the class. When the teacher asked him to sit down and take out his pencil to work, he didn’t even have a pencil. So he started asking everyone around him, loudly, for a pencil, disturbing the entire class while they’re trying to work. After, although he still had failed to obtain a pencil, he began talking to his friends, interrupting the whole class AGAIN! He …show more content…

Which makes it hard for me to believe that the boys in school don’t know how they should act in school. For example, some of the boys at school think that it’s ok to cuss someone out just because they feel like they’ve been disrespected. It’s like no one ever taught them how to have a conversation with someone without cussing the other person out because they said something they didn’t like. The boys at school cuss out each other, the girls, and even the teachers. I can’t stand when the boys at school cuss out people over something stupid, which is another reason why I hate the boys at my

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