Why I Chose The Medical Field

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Ever since my freshman year of high school, I thought I would pursue a career in the medical field. I enjoyed taking science classes, I was smart enough to understand and excel in those subject, and I knew I could make good money in that field. When I went to college, I quickly became a biology major without a second thought. During my first year in college I realized there are many other options and subjects that I enjoyed, specifically music and dancing. I took piano lessons and competed in gymnastics from the age of four years until my senior year of high school. However, I never considered majoring in these areas because I thought it wouldn’t be practical. I decided to take Dance 101 and voice lessons my first semester to get my fine arts …show more content…

The work will be a higher quality and, in response, my grade point average will be better. For example, if there was a ten-page research paper due for a biology, I would procrastinate until I had to write it and then complete it as fast as possible. But, if it were a ten-page paper over a musical review, I would write it right away and enjoy giving my opinion on the music, costumes, set, and other aspects of the show. I would write more than ten pages and the work would be higher quality than the biology research paper. Although the biology research paper would be interesting because I enjoy science, I would not necessarily be passionate about it. On top of my work being higher quality, I would be less stressed about my work and classes. Instead of dreading class, I would look forward to class and as a result, my engagement in class would be …show more content…

For instance, if I am applying to physician’s assistant (PA) school and I have the same grade point average and qualifications as the next applicant, but I majored in musical theater and the other applicant majored in biology, I could stand out more. It is also a good conversation starter with the interviewer of the PA school as well as patients you might encounter. In the medical field, it is important to know how to take care of people, but it is just as important to know how to deal with people and excel in social interaction. The more conversation topics I have the better I am able to interact with people from varied

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