Medical assistant
For this report I have chosen a Medical Assistant. I chose this career because my mom is a medical assistant and she seemed to be very happy with her job. I also like helping people and making them feel better. The things that appeal to me are that you get to meet new people and help them in anyway you can. The fact that people depend on you to help them makes me nervous but it would be a great payoff in the end. Medical Assistants are vital to any Doctor and their practice, some would even say they are the backbone to any successful practice. Career Requirements and Qualifications “The minimum education requirements for being a medical assistant is a Post Secondary non-degree award” (“U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”).
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You should wash your hands regularly when working in this field. You are alway around illnesses and sick people. This is one of the least payed jobs in the medical field. “The American Association of medical Assistants show that the Annual entry level 12.88 per hour” (“U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”). The size of the clinic or doctor's office is a big factor in the amount of your salary. For example if you work in a little family clinic you might have a salary of 29,218 a year but, if you worked in a larger doctor's office you could make 36,000 a year. Another factor of the salary is your experience in the field. The longer you have been working the more you will get payed. You have to be comfortable in the examination room and won't crumble under the pressure of the job. Getting started in this field is easy. You just have to pay for the higher education if you choose to take that route. There are many benefits to this job for example, you can go to a variety of place to work all around the world. “This job is increasing at a fast rate due to the demand for health care” (“Become a Medical Assistant-MA Training and Schools”). Plus, you will always be learning new things in this …show more content…
You take their family medical history, their medical history and you check their vitals. You have to prepare treatment for everyone of the physicians patients. “A medical assistant works hard every day with an eight to ten hour days. In one week a medical assistant can work anywhere between forty to sixty hours a week”(“Simmons”). I asked my mother “what the best part of her day was” and she responded “the best part of my day is the patient's and getting to know everyone of them” (“Simmons”). There are many, many challenges in a typical day of being a medical assistant. One of the biggest ones would have to be time management. you have to keep the doctor on time and yourself throughout the day. There are many factors out of your control. “You have to coordinate when the doctor arrives with the patient's arrival time”
Physician assistants (PA's) practice medicine under the supervision of physicians and surgeons. PA's are trained to provide diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive health care services, as delegated by a physician. They work with members of a healthcare team, they take medical histories, examine and treat patients, order and interpret laboratory tests and x rays, and make diagnoses. PAs may be the principal care providers in rural or inner city clinics where a physician is present for only one or two days each week. In such cases, the PA confers with the supervising physician and other medical professionals as
With an eye on patient safety, what clinical services may a medical assistant perform in your medical practice?
Ranked third by U.S. News and World Report on the list of “Best Health Care Jobs of 2017”, the Physician Assistant career has a 96 percent job-satisfaction rate, and represents one of the fastest growing jobs in the nation. Created as a position to relieve the job shortage of primary care physicians, Physician Assistants first came to be in the mid-1960s. Since then, the number of PAs in practice has just about doubled with every decade helping to improve health care not just nationally, but on a global level as well. Physician Assistants are licensed to practice medicine, prescribe medication, treat chronic illnesses, and assist in surgery in all 50 states under supervision of a physician. Although some medical practitioners perceive the role
After review of my skills, interests, and experiences, I decided to pursue the medical career field as my first career choice, more specifically as a physician assistant. I will exceed in this position in the interest of that I like to help people and I solve problems well. Also, I communicate well with others and I have a great amount of patience. There are various careers that fit my skills and interests, but this one grabs my attention. My dream job is to be a doctor, but this occupation allows one to save money by lessening the years of school required. Also, the pay isn’t too shabby either. I will be successful in this position due to my skills, characteristics, and values, like honesty and helping others. Up to this point, I have job shadowed at a medical billing company and I like the idea of diagnosing and helping people, but a desk job is not ideal. Also, I took a medical terminology as a class and I discovered that I like how the body works and what it does. These factors have all influenced my career goal.
The Healthcare Professional that I chose is a Dental Assistant. The reason why I chose to use a dental assistant as the Healthcare Professional was because I think that they are very important along with the dentists. Without dental assistants, dentist’s jobs would be more stressful than it already is in their job. Dental assistants greatly increase the efficiency of the dentist in the delivery of quality oral health care are valuable members of the dental care team. half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $21,080, and the top 10 percent earned more than $41,570. In conclusion Medical Assistants play a major role in the healthcare environment. They are doctors right hand man/woman and the help keep the office together and run smoothly. Medical Assistants will forever be needed, because every day a child is born and people are getting older. Medical Assistants care and their job is to provide good healthcare to patients.
Many people rush through their daily life without contemplating their actions, thereby missing vast opportunities for achievement. They waste valuable time engaging in frivolous matters instead of putting their energies towards more productive and meaningful purposes. In the words of the Dalai Lama: “Life is not about acquiring money and other facilities; it is about dedicating your life to helping others as much as you can.” The immeasurable value of helping others has been engrained in me since childhood. As a result of my own difficult family circumstances, I have become more sensitive, kind and mindful towards others and their own situations. I have developed a passion for helping others, which, in combination with a proclivity towards medicine has lead to my descion to become a Physician Assistant. I want to live a life where I can provide healthcare and aid to anyone who needs.
Medical assisting is one of the nation's fastest growing careers, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Medical assistants perform a vast number of daily duties administrative and some clinical tasks. Medical Assistant are the glue that keeps the various healthcare facility running smoothly. There will be a time when a medical assistant may have to answer the telephone, greet patients, fill out medical records and update them as needed, schedule appointments and handle correspondence and billing.
The median salary of 2013 is $31,890("Medical Office Administrator: Job Description, Duties and Requirements." par. 4 and chart). Work is available in doctors’ offices, hospitals, laboratories, and health departments. You need to understand medical terminology and basic healthcare procedures. A medical assistant will also be responsible for managing information, medical and office purchases, and in some cases project management (par. 1). Your basic duties include answering phones, scheduling appointments, and organizing medical records. Processing insurance forms, preparing reports, scheduling of hospitalization or other procedures are important duties. Being able to do bookkeeping tasks- billing patients, preparing financial reports, processing software etc. - and being able to work with basic office machinery such as fax machines, credit card machines, and dictation equipment (par.
Bureau of Labor Statics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2012-13 Edition, Medical assistants, on the internet at Publish Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012
In the beginning of fall of 2016, I got a job as a medical assistant. It’s long process to get this sort of job, at least with the University of Utah so when I finally went through the orientation, lab training, computer training, and community clinics I got to work and realized there was, even more, training. Every clinic has its personal preferences and rules, so I had to start from scratch with the training I already had. As soon as I got therenoticeI was a given a quick tour of the clinic and given all the rules, passwords and regulations. It was already too much to handle, but I was memorizing as much as I could. I can’t always function under pressure, but I tried not to let my nerves get to me.
The assistant part in physician assistant is generally understated. Physician assistants’ responsibilities actually bear many tasks that would suggest a long work hours and practices. Many may work alongside a team of specialists to coordinate treatments for their patients or some may work independently supervised by a
My decision to pursue a career as an Anesthesiology Assistant is hinged on three factors; first, a desire to advance in the healthcare sector and be able to take up higher responsibilities in patient care; secondly, an intentional process of building a healthcare career that would be personally fulfilling and rewarding; and thirdly, embarking on a career path that will enable me to integrate my prior education, experiences and skills, and use them as a backdrop for effective care delivery. My undergraduate degree is in Psychology. I undertook studies in this area because I had always had a deep-seated desire to help people recover from adverse situations. At the same time, I trained and work as a medical assistant, which has enabled me to have a lot of patient contact. Based on my knowledge of psychology and my clinical experiences, I began to explore career advancement options
Is Medical Assisting a great job for me in the future world? Medical assisting is a job that you help people with. This job includes things like taking blood samples, giving shots, check-ups, etc. Any interests I have had within this career is that you help others, prescribe medicine if they are in need, being prompt and taking care of others. Related talents to this career that I have is enjoying helping people, experiencing blood, doing regular check-ups etc. I have selected medical assisting as a career because its easy/ great training in under a year, employment growth, and flexible schedule. I believe that being a medical assisting is the best career for me.
During my observership, my clinic intern mentor was Shiyama Hassan. Overall it was an enjoyable, less stressful academic experience.I got a chance to take patient histories, examination and patient’s vital sign monitoring and charting. I didn’t feel much difference in observing my mentor taking the history and when I was taking the history, it could be related to my past experience. However, every time I was curious to know what is happening with the patients and what caused him to seek naturopathic medical advice. During this clinic shadowing, I saw genuine interest of my mentor and supervisor to help patients concerns, unlike to allopathic model of prescribing medication. It helped me to improve my interviewing skills to look root cause for