Why I Chose Higher Education

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Our time is limited in this expansive universe and what we do with that piece of momentary shine will ultimately leave behind a legacy for others to follow. Graduate school never crossed my mind growing up, but as the years went by, my affection for learning grew. The curiosity to explore the unknown captured my attention in ways I never thought were imaginable. My thirst for knowledge lingers with me every day and it is why I have decided to pursue a graduate degree. Failure has been one of my greatest teachers, but it has opened so many opportunities for me. It has changed me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. My dreams and goals are what some would consider impossible, but it is why I choose to reach for them. Despite my struggles, the rejections and the failures I have endured, I choose to keep striving for the unthinkable. The evolutionary process that has occurred in my mind has led me to discover new objectives for myself. One goal in particular stands out from them all and that is to ultimately one day receive a Nobel Prize. My dedication, commitment, and perseverance will one day change the world for the better. Mankind will live a better life because of my work and in order to achieve such an immense goal, the pursuance of a graduate degree is necessary. Fame is not what I am after, but change …show more content…

Ultimately, sharing my knowledge with others and teaching them various ways to understand the complexity of human life would be a humbling profession. Guiding the next generation of students and instilling in them the power to believe in their potentiality would further solidify my purpose in this world. In my view, that is why we are here, not to make money, but to further advance human civilization and help others move in the right direction where one day we can see a prosperous and illuminating civilization full of

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