Why I Chose High School

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At a young age, my parents always enforced the idea of going to college. They repeatedly told me how lucky I am to be given this opportunity. I knew this is something I had to do but not only for me but for my parents. I want to be the first one out of my family for them to say she graduated. I knew my family believe that we would never make it out of poverty or do something important. I thrive to graduate with honors and obtain a career that could provide me with everything I always wanted. During my high school years, I thought about starting at a community college. I felt that maybe college wasn’t for me. Until, I realized that people get into debt to attend college as to where I am receiving a full ride.
As I got older, I always had an idea of what I wanted to study. It was either between a lawyer or a probation officer. My ideal career would be a lawyer but i'm not sure if I am going to pursue that. I can say that I am stopping myself for no reason. I always enjoyed debating with other people. It interest me how different people have different views. On the other hand, I …show more content…

There was times where we couldn’t meet ends. I would have situations where I wouldn’t go out with my friends because they wanted to do stuff that involved wasting money. For example, we wouldn’t spend time with our families because they always wanted to go to places. However, being low income has helped me in college. Since my parents don’t make sufficient money, my tuition has been fully covered. In other words, I don't have to worry about taking loans. However, I have to work for the things I need because sometimes my parents can't provide for things I think I need. This is going to become a problem because once I start school, It is going to be more difficult to handle my studies and my job. In fact, I can not let go of my job but I don't want to sacrifice my education either. I have to learn how to balance out the both and make it

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