Why Gurov And Anna Were Destined To Have An Affair

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Why Gurov and Anna were Destined to have an Affair When two people decide to have an affair, they usually do not follow through with it, leaving maybe after a month. This decision to stay or not to stay has a lot to do with the events and places surrounding the affair. When it occurs in a literary story, those events and places are called setting. The setting for “The Lady with the Dog” played a pivotal role in how Dmitri Gurov and Anna Sergeyevna handled their affair with each other. The key settings were their personal lives, most importantly their history of infidelity, and the places that they met up.
A history of infidelity set the scene for an affair on the part of both of them. As explicitly told at the beginning of the story, Dmitri Gurov had already been unfaithful to his wife for a long time and was unfaithful frequently. Anna’s history of infidelity was stated after their first consummation; when Gurov was asking what was wrong she responded, “It is… myself I have deceived. And not …show more content…

It is one thing for them to have a secret relationship far away from home, but having that same relationship while being in their hometown requires a great deal of commitment. By deciding to visit Anna in S-, Gurov was committing to help grow their relationship. When Anna responded by going to visit she too showed that she was committing to the growth of their relationship, albeit not as much because she would not have Gurov visit her in S- but only that she would visit him. Gurov noted how much their relationship had grown when they came together once and Anna was starting to realize what was going on “It was evident to him that this love of theirs would not soon be over… Anna grew more and more attached to him.” This signaled the transition from simply just being two strangers meeting to being two lovers willing to do anything for each

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