Why Golf Is Important Essay

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Why You Need Top Golf Instructors to Improve your Game
Golf is a popular game of strokes that is played with a club and a ball. The game has become particularly popular in the last 2 decades due to a number of factors. These include the popularity of modern day professional golfers, game accessibility, advances in golf technology and increase in the number of youthful golfers taking up the game. In spite of this, most recreational golf players face problems when they try to transfer the lessons learnt on the practice range to the golf course. The problem is widespread because players require continuous training, feedback and assessment over a period of time to perfect their game on and off the course.

A professional golf coach can help an aspiring golfer learn critical lessons and improvement their game over the long term because instructors know how to transfer of the game from the range to a competitive course. A typical golfing lesson involves disseminating knowledge, providing practice feedback, helping the player transfer the skills into the course and giving the player crucial gaming insights. The process of disseminating knowledge is crucial because it helps a player understand the cause and effects of their actions. During the last stage of learning, players get crucial …show more content…

For example, a skilled golf coach can help learners get extra golf lessons such as how to overcome fear when hitting the ball in a tight angle and hitting a drive off the tee. The other important lesson is planning how to execute assignments independently through drills, workout and practice plans. Once a player has recognized and appreciated the importance of having a golf coach by his side. It is important to know how to find and hire top golf instructors to guide the player because having a right instructor can make a huge difference in the

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