Why Everyone Want To Legalize Drugs

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Why would anyone want to legalize drugs? Drugs are bad . How can drugs be so deadly and addictive in a helpful way. All twenty-three states that have legalized drugs in the United States have not brought any good among our country. The legalization of these harmful drugs have only caused more corruption making addiction rates even higher . The states have legalized the drugs thinking they can cure diseases and take away pain. Legalizing drugs allows patients to sell their drugs on the black market. For example heroin is suppose to ease cancer pain, but this is a drug that can lead to infection of the blood vessels and heart valves and cause veins to collapse. Another example is Glaucoma, which is a fluid pressure disease to the eye. The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is found in marijuana decreases the fluid pressure inside the …show more content…

However, marijuana also decreases blood pressure making blood flow to the eye. Drugs can harm you physically and mentally for life, maybe ending in death. An individual who is dealing with a drug addiction for a long period of time may begin to experience a number of serious psychological problems as a result of their dependence on drugs. These conditions can range from mild to really severe. Either way it all will impact the life of the addicted individual in a negative manner. Long-term speaking psychological the person will suffer from depression, paranoia, and anxiety. Long-term speaking in physical terms the person will suffer from kidney damage, heart damage, liver failure, and any individual who smokes the drug to which they are addicted is putting their lungs in jeopardy. Once you are living the life of drugs it is hard to

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