Why Does The American Dream Exist

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The definition of the American dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. This “dream” has been alive since the founding of the United States. Millions of people have grown up on this idea including people from other countries. This amazing idea seems great in retrospect, but in reality it cannot be true. If the American dream did exist I have my own as I’m sure everyone does. The idea of the American dream is very idealistic. There is no absolute way that everyone can achieve their goal with absolute fairness. There are too many complications and issues with the system. One example of these problems is social class. In my opinion social class should not affect anyone’s ideas about where they can go, but this is not the case. People who go to lower income schools are given visibly less options. They are not taught to strive for the highest as I am everyday in each of my classes. They do not have the same supplies or funding that my school has the privilege of having that helps so much. They do not get the push they need from teachers or their peers. This is only one part of the problem of the American dream. These days people are less empathetic and more materialistic. These characteristics …show more content…

It is much simpler than those of my friends. I only wish to be successful in this kooky, confusing world. I also want to be fully accepted by others. The last and final piece of my American dream is to be truly free. The type of free that really does give me an equal opportunity to everyone else. Although my American dream is simple I think it’s the basis of everyone’s dreams. There’s may be more specific but I don’t need the specific to describe my dream. I think this is the basis of everyone’s dream because like our emotions and prejudices they are innate necessities and we all long for

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