Why Does Hip-Hop Have A Bad Vibe?

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Why does hip-hop have a bad vibe? I think the answer lies in the culture of violence; that many people believe hip-hop culture inspires. Traditionally, people who dress differently often associate with the hip hop culture, but does that mean that they are bad people? There are bad people who listen to every type of music. What about the lyrics about women and their assets? Does that make hip hop a bad influence on our culture? So again, why pick on hip hop when our entire culture promotes violence and misogyny. People need to stop blaming a music genre for society’s problems. Americans tend to believe that rap has been misconstrued by today’s popular mainstream rappers. Look here I’m going to talk about why is Rap isn’t bad for everybody. In Ross Simmonds article, “The Six Reasons Why You Should Let Your Child Listen to Hip Hop,” asserts that, “ If you can get past some of the language and ignore the songs that are about booty popping and lip gloss; there really is some quality to be found in the lyrics and skills of these artists.” Hip hop presents the struggle of ordinary people in everyday life trying to make it under their difficult times. Sometimes those circumstances are gang infested neighborhoods. It appears that many critics of hip hop do not understand what it is like to be poor. For these reasons those individuals cannot connect with hip …show more content…

In particular, he appreciates the way hip hop can use language to tell a story. He describes hip hop artists as “smart and insightful in the way that they can convey complex ideas in a short amount of space.” Obama argues that, “hip hop has the power to get people to think.” I agree with the President that hip hop can and should be used as a way of seeing ourselves represented and be a headlight to people. As in a mirror, hip hop shows us our own reflection or shows someone else's

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