Why Do You Have A Kitten?

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“Thud, thud, thud, SLAM!” As I stormed to my room and slammed the door, I thought…. Why did they say no? Have you ever really, REALLY wanted something, and your parents said no? Well this is one of those times. I tried to ask for a kitten but David said no (step dad). He told me it was too much responsibility. So I asked my mom, but she said to ask David. So I stomped of to my room, and slammed the door, and asked myself why? Why did I even asked, why did I even ask him? And why did he think I couldn’t be responsible enough to own a kitten? As I was texting john, I heard a honk, and looked out the window right after I sent the message. And I saw……. John’s car in the road? I texted “you’re here?” “Yeah. I was coming anyway.” He explained. …show more content…

And he said he under stood. And to make me feel better, he took me out to eat ice cream. And then I had a plan…… so the next day at school I lied, and told Roxanne (the lunch lady), that my mom said yes. And so then a couple of days later, Roxanne brought the kitten, and this is how it went down…… “Knock, knock, knock.” My mom went to the door, my mom invited Roxanne in. “So I got a kitten here for Lilly, you must be here

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