Why Do We Use Metaphor In Figurative Language

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Metaphor is defined as the transference of meaning from one word to another, which most strongly and different ways studied an example of figurative language. Metaphor is also a figure of speech. I also learned that metaphor can be use for something that is something else without using the word like or as. These are some reason why you can use metaphor one reason is because metaphor is to give readers a picture in their mind and also whats going on in the picture. Another reason to use metaphor is because it use to help others understand more. Metaphor can also be used to make the writing more interesting. Simile is another figurative language A simile is a figure of speech that compare two things simile and metaphor are similars. Simile use almost the same words such as like or as simile and metaphor are often confused with each other. the main difference between metaphor and simile is that they use the words like or as to do a comparing. Simile is an everyday language that is used in literature to make writing more vivid and powerful. A Lot of people use simile for an expression. Simile is good to use for creative language and are fun to come up with. The definition for simile a figure of speech involving the comparing of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. We can find simile example in daily speeches. Why do we use simile …show more content…

I will say that personification can be use to tell if something is non human more like fake facts about something. Personification gives human traits such as emotions. Personification is more like using visual arts. People use personification to connect with the audience personification helps to relate ideas and objects to people allowing the author to tell the meaning of something

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