Why Do Sweatshops Violate Human Rights?

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The Article supporting the argument that “sweatshops do not violate human rights” included points about how sweatshops have actually helped increase the living conditions in third world countries and how students at many universities have protested and boycotted the companies that use sweatshops. On the other hand, the article written by Anna Yesilevsky opposing the given argument included points about how boycotting the companies that have alleged sweatshops is not the best solution to the problem. The article also features methods that we can use to force companies to make the conditions in their sweatshops better. I believe that the article opposing the claim the sweatshops do not violate human rights has a stronger argument and was presented better. …show more content…

The four-page article was very weak and unorganized. Throughout the article there weren’t many points about how sweatshops do not violate human rights, most of the article was about the conflict and the protest between university students and big companies that use sweatshops. In most cases, facts and studies were used to support the claims being made, for example, “As the New York Times reported in it's may,16,2000 editions, ‘a typical worker in a Nike factory in Vietnam makes … more than twice country’s average annual income. “The article didn’t address the other side of the argument but it did use the protest of university students as a way to show that many people believe that sweatshops violate human rights.” Students at the University of North Carolina had a rude awakening when about 75 student protesters occupied an administrative building on the school's main quad and demanded stricter guidelines for the labor code governing the school's apparel contract with

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