Why Do People Choose To Join Community Service Clubs?

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Ever since I was in high school, I have been constantly surrounded by people who are involved in community service clubs. I have always been interested by people involved in these clubs because of their motivation, hard work, and dedication in what they do. My interest in them is also due to my curiosity, as I often question why they choose to join these clubs, what their motives are, and what benefits do they gain from being involved in these clubs. When I started going to school at the University of California, Davis, I found that the university also offered many community service clubs. I noticed that a majority of my colleagues were involved in a specific community service club on campus called Circle K. After recognizing their passion …show more content…

I picked my interviewees by randomly picking two members who were in attendance of a weekly general meeting of the club. My first interviewee was Michael Fan, a third year transfer student who had been active in the club for one year. My second interviewee was Athena Pang, a second year who has been in the club for 2 years, has been a board member of the club since last year and is now the president of the club beginning spring quarter of 2018. My main measurement of this research was done through an interviewing process of my two samples in order to examine and understand their experiences with the club. I obtained their contact information during the club meeting and received their permission to be able to interview them about their experiences in Circle K. I communicated with each of my two chosen interviewees through phone in order to schedule the time and place of their interviews. After coming up with mutually available meeting times, I met with each of them in the Shields library for the interview. I had asked them questions that I had prepared beforehand and written on a document in my laptop. I had prepared 8 questions for the interview asking them about their experiences in the club and how it has affected their personal lives. When interviewing them, I used my laptop to write notes on a document of their

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