Why Do Muslim Women Wear The Veil?

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Among recent years, the Hijab or, the veil, has been the subject of much controversy. Whether the controversy is in the French government controlling when and where women can wear the headscarf, sighting security concerns, or feminist stating the hijab is a form of oppression. None of the opponents to the hijab taken the time to explain what it is. They have only express displeasure of the garments use. I say garments because the word hijab is often used as an umbrella term; to describe the many types of coverings Muslim women wear. Some of these coverings include: the Khimar- a scarf that wraps around the head covering the neck and shoulders but it leaves the face unveiled. The Chador- a cloak that wraps around the head like a khimar but …show more content…

Others wear it to communicate their political alliance with the country of origin and to challenge prejudices. Others still wear the hijab because they believe Allah has commanded women to wear it. The garment is a personal choice and is made to reflect their devotion to Islam. This leads into misconception the West has about the hijab. The veil is not obligatory; Islamic women choose to wear the hijab. Below is a complete translation of Surah 24: 31; a verse from the Qur'an that address …show more content…

Most Islamic scholars agree that when a woman is wearing the hijab, her head neck ears and shoulders should be covered and in front of unrelated men (Muslim or non-Muslim), a women must cover. Unfortunately this is where the general consensus ends. Some scholars believe that everything except a woman's face, hands, and feet are awarh- an Arabic word referring to the parts of the body that should be covered by clothing. Other disagree. Some say that women should cover in front of non-Muslim women to keep them from describing the appearance of the hijab wearer to men. Other disagree and say the if the non Muslim is trustworthy then the women could reveal as much as she would in front of another Muslim woman in her presence. Muslim Scholars accept that's for a man everything between the Naval and the knee is awarh and should be

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