Why Do Christians Need To Be Accountable?

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accountable but that rarely works. A different person needs to be that source of accountability and help the person trying to not commit the same sin again. If there is we as Christians do not keep eachother accountable then we are failing each other with our walk with God. Christians need to help one another and life each other up during hard time and this situation with dealing with our sins is no different. Confession to a priest is another form of confession that may cause lack of accountability and communion with people. The priest can not hold each and every person that he has heard confession from accountable and that is a problem. What also contributes to this problem is not going to confession often enough to have the priest remember …show more content…

Priest have to listen to countless confessions and to pick a random person to help them with their struggle does not seem realistic. Confession also is to be anonymous which would mean the priest would not know who is struggling with what and if they can even help them. It is very unreasonable to ask the priest to keep rather help every single person with their sins and keep them accountable. There are far too many people in the church for one priest which throws out the question of if the priest can do something to help those who are struggling with their specific sins. Also, it is not done frequently enough to ensure that the person confessing is on the right track with God. It is encouraged that people would go to confession at least four times a year. That seems like a relatively low number of times to confess. It would seem if people are going very few times a year to confess then there should be a sort of accountability system to ensure that there is some sort of help from being tempted from the sins they have just confessed. These few reasons should make one question confession to a priest or church official but should not be looked as a wrong way to confess because confession to a priest or church official does have its

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