Why Did We Choose James Wilson?

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James Wilson was one of the many signers of “The Declaration of Independence.” James Wilson was born on September 14th, 1742 in Carskerdo, Scotland. James immigrated to America in 1766. He came with very valuable letters of introduction. These allowed him to get into many schools and universities. Surprisingly, he never received a degree from any school until he petitioned to get a degree. Several months later, he received a degree, Master of Arts. He began to teach at the College of Philadelphia. He then studied law with, who would also become a member of the Continental Convention, John Dickinson. While in America, James stayed busy. In 1775 he was elected to the Provincial Congress, in 1775-77 he was part of the Continental Congress. He …show more content…

I chose James because I found him to be a very interesting man. I never knew how important this man was to the creation of our amazing country. The final vote was laid on his shoulders for God’s sake! He could’ve single handedly destroyed this country, or at least the thought of it. He was a very dependent man. He always agreed with the thought of John Dickinson. He never did much thinking for himself. Like I stated earlier, he backpacked off the ideas of Mr. Dickinson, but when the final question of independence came up, he voted with his mind, and soul. He no longer backpacked off his ideas anymore. He became his own man, and helped to create one of the most amazing countries on this planet. I chose James because of the wit he used when arguing against Mr. Dickinson. He stated that he didn’t want to be remembered as the man who was against independence, the man who single handedly destroyed the creation if a country. Mr. Dickinson argued that he will be remembered as one of the men who signed this document, but James stated that yes he would be, but he would be one name amongst many. He wouldn’t be the only …show more content…

Wilson as the man that he actually is. He was a very smart and important man, but unfortunately he didn’t speak his mind or have his own thoughts. Mr. Dickinson and James truly where close. They studied law together at the University of Philadelphia. They became good friends and ended up being members of the Constitutional Convention. James truly backpacked the thoughts of John Dickinson. Until the moment of truth. He thought for himself and voted yes for independence. He, Ben Franklin, and John Dickinson all represented Pennsylvania. Ben knew that if he didn’t get a pole on the topic that James would side with John and the Declaration would’ve been shot. The vote for independence had to be unanimous. If the vote was majority Pennsylvania would’ve been lost. It would’ve costed us freedom, time, and morale. Had James not thought for himself we still might be under the control of Great Britain. Let that sink in. One man, one choice. According to my research, yes, James is somewhat accurate in the movie. Smart, but not a very outspoken person. Very dependent, but none the less very smart, and educated. He even signed the Constitution. He became a major leader in American Society. He helped create the document we still live by today. Helped create the longest living governmental document in history. One of SIX, not twelve, not fifteen, six of the founding fathers to sign both. That is monumental. A lot of people in this film and

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