The Revolutionary War A-Z

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A- John Adams- A Massachusetts lawyer and politician, John Adams was the one that defended the British shooters at the Boston Massacre. He went on to join the meeting at the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774. Adams and the rest of the Congress wanted there to be an end to the Intolerable acts that were put on the Colonies by the British, and they wanted to have their own government, instead of the British governing them. This lead to the start of the Revolutionary War. John Adams was one of the delegates from Massachusetts to sign the Declaration of Independence. B- Britain- The British tried creating colonies in the Americas, and they governed these colonies and taxed them to the point of treating them unfairly. They limited the colonies’ trade and business, and even attacked them periodically. The Americans had enough of the British, so they rebelled against them. The British were the main enemy of the American Revolution. C- George Rogers Clark- George Rogers Clark, born November 19, 1752 in Virginia, was a Military leader and explorer for the American side in the Revolutionary War. He was originally a surveyor, so this is how he knew the land and the geography of the battle he was fighting on. He took about 170 men through a 200 mile journey to attack Fort Sackville. This was a torturous journey, but all of them ended up surviving the trip. When they arrived at the fort, he tricked Henry Hamilton to come out and surrender to Clark. The trick: they only had 170 men, but he made Hamilton think he had an entire army. Clark died in Louisville, Kentucky on February 23, 1818. D- Declaration of Independence- Written by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence is the reason we celebrate our indepen... ... middle of paper ... ...riving and driving off the British fleet, Cornwallis was surrounded at all sides. He surrendered, ending the war and later leading to the Treaty of Paris. Z- John Peter Zenger- John Peter Zenger was the one who established the idea of freedom of speech and press. The Constitution of the United States reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or press; or the right of the people peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” because of Zenger. Zenger was arrested for libel, which is something written that goes against the government. Although he did not write the article, he was the one accused because he printed and published it. After sitting in jail for a year, he was finally acquitted (found not guilty) and released.

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