Causes Of The Lincoln Issue The Emancipation Proclamation

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Why did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation when so many Americans opposed the dismantlement of slavery? Lincoln felt that slavery was morally wrong and, more importantly to him, that freeing the slaves was a military move that would help better the Union. By the early 1800’s two unambiguously different societies had emerged in the United States due to their different ways of life. The North and the South had been brought together during the American Revolution to fight against a common enemy, but later began to drift as each region prospered regardless of the other. The North’s economy was based primarily on commerce and taxes whereas the South became known as a plantation society reliant on the use of slave labor. Slavery was always met with new compromises and laws to regulate it, until the mid 1800’s when it became more of a moral issue rather than a political issue. When the government could no longer appease the South, they seceded and almost managed to destroy the Union.
By the time Lincoln had taken office on …show more content…

His assassination turned him from just another political leader to mourn into a dedicated, heroic martyr.[xxvi] Lincoln accomplished what no other president has had to overcome. Abraham Lincoln pieced together a nation on the verge of being torn apart by the major issue of slavery thanks to the help of African American leaders and abolitionists pushing the president to voice his true opinions and create the Emancipation Proclamation. A distraught Frederick Douglass said Lincoln “showed a deeper moral conviction against slavery than I had ever seen before anything spoken or written by him.”[xxvii] Abraham Lincoln’s ideals were before his time and would permanently identify him with the moment of liberation, living on as an icon of black freedom in African American celebrations and as an American hero to this very

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