Why Did Hitler Become Chancellor

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Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed as the chancellor of Germany by President Paul Von Hindenburg. This appointment was made in an effort to keep Hitler and the Nazi Party “in check”; however, it would have disastrous results for Germany and the entire European continent. One interpretation of Hitler becoming Chancellor is that it was mainly due to the Wall Street Crash, beginning on October 24, 1929. Although, there were also other factors involved in Hitler becoming Chancellor other than the Wall Street Crash and the Depression, including problems of the Weimar Government, Nazi tactics and Hindenburg’s appointment of Hitler as Chancellor.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the greatest stock market crash in the history of the United States. The crash started the Great Depression and stock prices did not reach the same level until late 1954. The Wall Street Crash helped Hitler’s rise to power because in 1929, when America called in all its foreign loans, it destroyed Weimar Germany and
I think this because, although the Wall Street Crash helped Hitler’s rise to power, as people started voting for the Nazis and other extremist parties after the economy crashed and the government dealt with it terribly, other factors such as the problems with the Weimar government, were as/more important than the Wall Street Crash. In my opinion, the problems with the Weimar government were a very important reason for Hitler becoming Chancellor, for the reasons that if the government wasn’t as weak and unpopular, then Hitler would have had less of a chance of becoming Chancellor. Additionally, the Nazis tactics were also as important because his policies were very effective and it won support for the Nazis and they gained a lot

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