Why Did Donald Trump Become President

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The question of why Donald Trump became president is not an easy, simplistic, or even trivial answer. Rather it involves a “series of unfortunate events” a bad candidate, economic strife, and over confidence. I think the elephant in the room, and largely the cause of Clintons demise was the awful handling of the primary on behalf of the Democratic party. Clinton was the establishment candidate and everyone knew it, she wasn’t expecting any opposition, especially not someone like Sanders. Bernie Sanders had an almost ‘Obama” like following in the youth and marginalized groups who felt that Hillary Clinton was just a pawn of the establishment who meant more of the same. In actuality, they really weren’t far off, as it was reviled in the WikiLeaks dumb a few days before the convention the Democratic party was actively working to take down Sanders. This fact infuriated Sanders supporters who were almost being forced to vote for Clinton at that point. The democratic party tried to push a “stronger together” approach to bring together the Obama coalition and the youth who connected with Sanders. A lot of them weren’t really democrats themselves but rather independents who …show more content…

We had a handful of email dumps from not only the DNC but high up Clinton campaign officials like John Podesta. The information revealed from the DNC just days before the convention caused widespread humiliation as Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to step down before the convention, showing widespread fragmentation in the party. This divided feeling was only emphasized when the dump showed the democratic party was actively working against Sanders, Donna Brazile went so far as to give Clinton debate questions ahead of time. This obvious and blatant bias for the establishment candidate made so many democrats feel betrayed especially thoughts who supported Sanders. It was also timed perfectly to take the wind out of the

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