Why Did 9/11 Happen

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After the tragic event that occured on September 11, 2001- what do you think will start happening? Possibly racism, strengthening and tightening security, and even start limiting some laws that were relaxed before? They were all introduced to society, which means it would always impact our lives in someway or another that we leave us reminiscing on this wretchedly terrible event. Although this event occurred more than a decade ago, the major lasting impact it had on our society is more than likely permanent. The impact being how the people, and their government see, react, and feel about our people, mainly starting with how the people saw our people: There was no specific way another person saw another person, as in time- all grew to be equivalent as one isn’t considered better or worse than the other. However after the event, racism towards races that had actively supported and participated in the event, were seen and treated as scum to humankind. As one example being America’s Muslim, making up 1% of America’s population, they were harassed and bullied as their race was one of the races that contributed to the event of 9/11 happening. Although this isn’t the first time this would happen, after the event, spikes of racist judgement and harassment boomed. Which brought the population to the segment of how …show more content…

Which led them to implementing more procedures in certain government properties, lands, or any place at all. Which wouldn’t be a problem until it affected the people, which actually did by tensing up laws that were previously relaxed and cause us more of a hassle to getting on an airplane, going places- or most things for that matter that was “official”. Which was where 9/11 caused the people to have a limit to what the people could’ve done before. This in turn also led to the event of how people felt about each other, or mainly the government as

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