Why Are Professional Athletes Overpaid

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Did you know that the average salary of a professional football player is almost four times the salary of the highest payed type of doctor? However, a pediatrician’s salary on average is only $156,000 a year, which is almost 12 times lower than the average football player. The salary of professional athletes is one of the most currently debated topics among all people. I believe that professional athletes are not overpaid because they are role models to their community, work really hard, and are only making as much as the fans pay to watch games. Athletes train their whole lives to get where they are today. To become a professional athlete, you have to be dedicated, hardworking, and talented. From young ages they set their mind to becoming athletes and work hard every day to make it come true. I know I want to be an orthodontist when I am older, so I will work hard to achieve my goals. If I wanted to be a professional hockey player, I would work hard every day until I made my dream come true. If an athlete is truly talented and worked hard to get where they are today, they deserve to make the amount of money they do. …show more content…

This year a player from the Philadelphia Eagles, Chris Long, donated his entire base salary, one million dollars, to educational charities. This is only one story out of the thousands of players in professional sports. Not only do these athletes help their community but they also give great hope and motivation to others who want to become athletes as well. Everyone always says that the chances of someone becoming a professional athlete are slim. The players who have made it to professional teams are living proof that anything is possible if you put your mind to

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