Why Are Pedestrians Important

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Just before 8 am on October 20, a man attempting to cross the street was struck by a vehicle. The man, who was not crossing at a crosswalk or an intersection, ended up falling into another vehicle and then falling onto the asphalt. Although he was taken the hospital, the man unfortunately later died from injuries sustained from the accident. It can be dangerous for pedestrians sharing the road with automobiles when everyone involved does not take the proper precautions to ensure the safety of those walking. While drivers do need to be aware of pedestrians, as personal injury lawyers, we want to offer tips to pedestrians to help them stay safe while crossing the street. Use crosswalks or cross at an intersection whenever possible. This is especially important when crossing a busy street. …show more content…

Always look for vehicles before crossing the street, even if a light has signaled that it is your turn to cross. Just because you have the right-of-way does not mean drivers are always going to stop for you. Only cross the street when it is safe to do so. Walk sober. While most people know the dangers of driving drunk, some people do not realize the dangers of being a drunk pedestrian. Roughly one-third of pedestrians killed in car crashes had a BAC of .08 or higher. When walking at night, wear reflective gear and use a flashlight. This will make you more visible to drivers. Teach your children proper pedestrian safety including the importance of looking both ways before crossing a street and the importance of using crosswalks. Make sure to model these behaviors when walking with your children. Unfortunately, even when you work to be a safe pedestrian or driver, others on the road may not be paying proper attention. If you were the victim of a car accident, either as a pedestrian or as the occupant of a vehicle, contact

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