Why A Child Is Acting Like A Meatloaf?

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Once upon a really cool time it was a hot, warm, humid day in the local swamp where 3 hippos lived. One was a guy another was a girl, and well the last one was just a hippo just chilling with them. One day the boy hippo yelled out “I'M HUNGRY!” he then flopped to the ground and cried; he was acting like a baby. The girl hippo then screeched “I have a plan.” The lady then went to work and cooked up a mean meatloaf because what child doesn’t like a good meatloaf. She then got these special 200 dollar chairs from IKEA that felt great to sit in. Then she got one lone bed for a small little succulent child to lay in. The hippos then gradually made their way outside of their home and into the local jungle where kids like to run around and play. They also dropped some chocolate along the way and made a path to their house so someone could follow it. After about 20 extremely long minutes they finally heard something. A girl named goldilocks quietly was running through the woods and it seemed like she was looking for something to eat. It didn't take long for her to realize that there was chocolate on the ground. She then picked the …show more content…

She had found a perfect chair so she jumped into it. The chair had immediately broke. She was very sad about this and then moved onto the beds. She had easily gotten into one and she had went fast asleep. This triggered an alarm that goldilocks did not hear. The hippos then ran over the door and ran over to goldie locks. They got the special seasoning for this and they sprinkled it onto her. They were about to take a bite until. WAIT! An egg then ran into the house and screamed “IT IS ME HUMPTY DUMPTY AND I'M HERE TO SAVE THE DAY!” the hippos looked confused but started to take a bite out of goldie locks. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Humpty Dumpty screeched. He dove onto the hippos and he immediately cracked open and a bunch of egg yolks came out. He is an egg after

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