Who's To Blame In The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

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In the story “ The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet “ the main characters get themselves in a pickle by falling in love knowing that their families are sworn enemies. Soon Romeo kills Juliet's cousin by accident, Juliet drinks a potion, some words get twisted and at the end both of the lovebirds end up dead. At the end of the story both families are devastated that both of their children pass away, but there are also many unanswered questions. The most asked question in the story is “ Who's to blame? ” and overall I believe everyone has a little part in influencing their death, but I believe that one person is to blame for most of this and I believe that it is the mother and father of Juliet. Near the beginning of the story the Capulets hold a party and some Montagues show up including Romeo. Juliet's father lets them stay and soon Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. If they didn't have the party they would not have met in the first place. So Romeo and Juliet seem to get along and before the night is over they fall in love with each other and are basically inseparable. Juliet proposes which leads to a private marriage performed by Friar Lawrence. Soon after a day of meeting the two are …show more content…

He holds a party at the very beginning of the story and some Montagues show up including Romeo and he lets them stay. If he would have been responsible and kicked Romeo out, the two would have never met and fallen in love. Soon after the party the two lovebirds get married and a few days later Juliet's father says he has some news to share with his daughter. He called her over to tell her that he has arranged a wedding for her and the county Paris and she is immediately devastated. Juliet refuses to marry Paris and her dad goes bezerk over her response and gives her a lecture about how she will follow the rules and to soon be married on Thursday to the county

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