Whole30 Meal Prep Essay

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One of my biggest fears when entering Whole30 was not having enough snacks. I'm a picker and a snacker more than a big meal person. I am making sure that each Sunday meal prep, we pack a lot of snacks. I found the recipe for protein balls here and believe me, you will want to add them to your Whole30 regimen.

They aren't the easiest to make...but I'm not exaggerating when saying they are game changing to your Whole30 eating. You can't have any sweets in Whole30, and the dates in these bites make you believe you are eating chocolate.

What you need
1 + ⅓ cup pitted medjool dates
½ cup coconut shreds
Extra coconut shreds for coating protein balls
1 tbsp cocoa nibs
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp raw almond butter

What you do

Mix ½ cup coconut

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