Who Is To Blame For Gatsby's Downfall

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Obviously Jay Gatsby was physically killed by George Wilson, however, who was actually to blame for the downfall of Gatsby? Tom Buchanan was ultimately accountable for the death of Gatsby. He didn’t pull the trigger himself, but he sure did help get the gun pointed at Gatsby. One way Tom was to blame for Gatsby’s downfall is by him messing around with Myrtle. If he hadn’t been doing that in the first place, she wouldn’t have ran out to the car the night she got killed. She was fighting with her husband, George, shortly before she was killed because he had found out she wasn’t being faithful to him (Fitzgerald 136). He was trying to keep her in the house, but she escapes and runs into the street. Earlier in the book, she had seen Tom driving …show more content…

Daisy was the actual driver of the car that ran over and killed Myrtle, now making this Tom’s problem (Fitzgerald 137). Tom clearly knows about Daisy driving the car, but continues to not tell the truth and lets Gatsby take the blame; even though he was in the passenger seat. Tom could have come forth and told George Wilson and the police the truth about who was driving Gatsby’s car that night, but being married to Daisy made that hard. Money and being high up on society’s ladder is important to Tom and Daisy (mostly Daisy), and her being a criminal wouldn’t be a very popular opinion among the rest of the people of New York City. Lastly, Tom is responsible for Gatsby’s death because he told George Wilson that Gatsby was the owner of the yellow car that ran over Myrtle. When George came at Tom with a gun, ready to kill him, he pointed the finger at Gatsby to save himself (Fitzgerald 159). He didn’t tell George that his wife was actually the one driving, so George assumed it was Gatsby since it was his car. Tom knew Wilson was going to shoot Gatsby, since he came to him first ready to shoot him. Tom throwing Gatsby under the bus about Myrtle’s death is probably the biggest factor to show that Tom is responsible for Gatsby’s death. With all of that being said, the actions Tom takes throughout the book certainly led to the downfall of Gatsby. Him having a mistress, being married to Daisy, and hiding the truth to save his own life all make Tom ultimately accountable for Gatsby’s

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