Is Gatsby To Blame For His Own Downfall?

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Is Gatsby to blame for his own downfall? Some may argue that Tom was to blame or that Society influenced Gatsby. Others might say that Nick was responsible for not helping Gatsby or that George was responsible for Myrtle having an affair with Tom. But I firmly believe that Gatsby was to blame for his own downfall. A good reason is when Nick tells Gatsby that he can not repeat the past. (F.Scott 110). Gatsby Responds with “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can!” (F.Scott 110). This shows that he does not care happen in the past with Daisy. He will do anything to win her back. He later says “I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before, She’ll see.” (F.Scott 110). This more proof that Gatsby is willing to do anything to make

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