Who Is Tituba In The Crucible

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Child taken over Salem Salem, Massachusetts was a peaceful village where many puritan men and women lived. That is, it was peaceful until, early in the year of 1692, a young woman in the town changed the lives of everyone there. Abigail Williams and a group of girls from the village were caught dancing in the woods with a slave by the name of Tituba. Shortly after two girls in the group fell ill. People in the town heard what had happened and began to assume the girls were ill because they had been exposed to witchery. When the parents of the girls began to question Abigail, to save herself from being punished she told them that Tituba and one of the girls had been conjuring spirits. The people believed her and when Abigail saw this she saw an opportunity to get revenge on people who had angered her. When Abigail accused Tituba of witchcraft it started a chain reaction in Salem. After Tituba was accused she was brought before a minister to be questioned. Tituba was then given the choice of either confessing or death. When she confessed to being a witch she also said that she had seen others in Salem with the Devil hoping that would bring some of the attention off of herself and maybe keep her away from the noose. She named two other women who lived in the village. When Abigail saw …show more content…

Abigail and the girls continued to accuse women and a few men of witchcraft with the reason being that they had sent their spirits out and it was afflicting the girls. The girls did what Abigail told them to do because they knew the power that she had and was afraid that if they went against her that she would also turn on them and make the other girls do the same. Mary Warren, “ I cannot charge murder on Abigail. She’ll kill me for saying that” page 1310. The attention wasn't the only reason Abigail accused people. It was also for revenge and she had one woman in mind and that was Elizabeth

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