Who Is The Parents Fault In Romeo And Juliet

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A very typical assumption in the story of Romeo and Juliet is that because they didn’t listen to what their parents said, they ended up dead. Another assumption is that their parents were not willing or respectful enough around their children and that is why the kids had to die. Despite all of these assumptions and opinions on the drama, it is easily defendable that it was either both or none of their faults. It is a collective blame. In William Shakespeare's classic drama, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the kids’ and their parents’ private and secretive lives ruined what could have been a wonderful relationship. The entire story and conflict began right at the beginning due to a feud between their families and parents. Had that feud never happened the kids might have stayed alive. Had that feud never happened, the tension between the parents and children would have been much less.The feud was not the parents fault. In the prologue, Shakespeare states, “From ancient grudge break to new mutiny” (prologue. 3). All of this to say that the feud was not the parents fault. The feud was ancient had begun quite a while ago with no help of the current Capulets and Montagues. If then it was not the parents fault, must it had been Romeo and Juliet’s? …show more content…

They would never have risked not being together. They saw their parents as terse, unforgiving and unwilling. Romeo and Juliet believed that if their parents were aware of their actions the entire town would find out and end up upside down. She did not want the conflict to continue and so they kept it a secret. The lovers are aware of this at the very beginning and Juliet says, “If they do see thee, they will murder thee”(2.2.70). She warns him of the danger that could occur. They were not wrong to assume these reactions especially based on all past actions. The children were not wrong to believe their parents would punish or harm

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