Who Is The Narrator In Chapter 1 Of The Great Gatsby

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1. A) I think Nick will be a suitable narrator for the story because he is non-judgmental therefore I think this will give us an unbiased view. Nick also says this himself here, ‘“I’m inclined to reserve all judgments (1)”’ which shows that he does not judge people. This is why I think that Nick will be a suitable narrator for the story. B) The feeling in the C household is very strained and forced because when the telephone rang for Tom Buchanan both Daisy and Jordan knew it was Tom’s lover in New York. Tom abruptly left the dinner table and as did Daisy shortly after. During their moment of absence Nick learnt about Tom’s mistress and before he had time to grasp this information Daisy returned and acted as though what she just experienced did not bother her. This can be seen here, ‘“It couldn’t be helped!” cried Daisy with tense gayety. (15)’ that she is trying to cover up what she is really feeling. This is why the feeling in the Buchanan household is strained and forced. Chapter 2 2. A) The setting in the opening of Chapter 2 is described as “a valley of ashes (23)”which means that it is an abandoned place. The setting in Chapter 1 is described as a place where the rich people live. This is how the setting in Chapter 2 is different from that of Chapter 1. …show more content…

Myrtle is known to wear darker colours in contrast to Daisy. This can be seen when Nick first meets Myrtle, “Her face, above a spotted dress of dark blue crepe-de-chine (25)” and also when Myrtle leaves with Tom and Nick, she is dressed in a “brown figured muslin (27)”. Myrtle is also different from Daisy by the way she acts. Daisy moves and acts with grace while Myrtle is more loud and rowdy. This is why Myrtle is different from Daisy in appearance and

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