Who Is Martin Shkreli: Harmful Or Helpful?

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Critical Analysis One

Matthew Herper a journalists for Forbes, had lunch with one of today’s most infamous people on September 24, 2015. Martin Shkreli raised the price of a drug that treats HIV positive patients by over five thousand percent. The drug went from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill. Herper states that Martin is a very intelligent man but acts as a antisocial sociopath. After raising the price of the drug overnight, he became the face of capitalistic greed. ("Forbes Welcome," n.d.) Shkreli was not the first to raise prices of effective drugs, but the way he portrayed himself made him an easy target for the government to pick on. Shkreli cares more about his patients than anyone else, which is hard to believe after raising the price of a life saving drug to $750. He doesn’t think he has done anything wrong, because other big companies do the same thing and are not reprimanded by the government or press. Herper describes Shkreli as a, “teenage vampire from some 1980s movie.” Shkreli makes it seem that he built his own empire from nothing, which is somewhat true coming from a poor household in Brooklyn. Martin graduated from a prestigious high school two years early. He was then hired onto Jim Cramer’s hedge fund. ("Forbes Welcome," n.d.) After being hired, Martin convinced a group of investors to contribute to his first drug …show more content…

Other companies have benefited greatly from increases also, Questcor Pharmaceuticals raised the price of it’s drug from $40 to $28,000 and was one of the best performing stocks in America until it was bought out. No one was reprimanded for this action. The owner Michael Pearson is a billionaire, but the focus is still on Shkreli because he is easier to hate. Shkreli has a live broadcast of his life, almost 24/7. He plays Internet games, buys expensive Wu-Tang Clan products, and tweets lyrics of Eminem’s songs. ("Forbes Welcome,"

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