The Great Gatsby American Dream Failure

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People aspire to achieve greatness, sometimes causing them to be or become someone they are not. The American dream is defined as someone who starts out low on either the economic or social level and by working hard earns his or her way to fame, wealth, or prosperity. Many characters such as Myrtle and Gatsby, in the novel The Great Gatsby, all wanted power, money, and happiness and would do anything in their power to obtain them. Recent events support the claim that the American dream can be achieved with costly repercussions. People are willing to corrupt themselves in order to achieve their goal. Many businesses that achieve great success become greedy and want more. Pharmaceutical companies, such as Turing, have been overpricing life-saving Martin Shkreli, the CEO of the company that raised the price of the H.I.V medicine, was arrested because of wrongdoings involving his former hedge fund and a pharmaceutical company he previously headed. He has been charged with conspiracy to commit security fraud, wire fraud, and using his previous company to cover personal debts. U.S. Attorney Robert Capers says, “As alleged in the indictment, Shkreli essentially ran his companies like a Ponzi scheme, where he used each subsequent company to pay off the defrauded investors in the prior company” (Shkreli). Shkreli was willing to break the law in order to obtain more money than he already has. Shkreli doesn’t care that he is committing crimes because the American dream has taken control him and he can’t stop until he reaches it. Because of his desire for a more prosperous life, Shkreli made some bad choices and now might end up losing everything that he has worked for. Likewise, in The Great Gatsby, Gatsby himself conducts shady businesses. Gatsby is willing to corrupt himself to in order to obtain the American dream; Gatsby says, “Oh, no,....this isn’t the man.....This is just a friend. I told you we’d talk about that some other time” (Fitzgerald 75). This display Gatsby’s need for more money, with shady people such as Wolfshiem, even though he is already a very wealthy man. He wants to keep making money ultimately to impress Daisy so he can win her over; this is the reason

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