Who Is Herbert Wheeler: Guilty Or Injustice?

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Herbert Wheeler is known for being homeless, and a robber. Although Herbert never stole, people just assumed he did because everyone knew that he lived in a tent. In New York City, Herbert lives in the back parking lot of a Circle K, and he sees people come out of the back door all the time. Herbert is very unfortunate, and sometimes can’t afford to buy anything to eat. The manager at Circle K let Herbert live in the parking lot in his tent. After two and a half years of living in his tent, Herbert was having a normal day in New York City. He got up, ate a left over half of a sandwich, packed up a backpack, and left for the grocery store. After he had came back from the store, Herbert noticed a man, wearing all black, coming out of the back door …show more content…

He didn’t know why the policeman didn’t believe him, because his explanation was very reasonable. But, he did understand why Damon lied to the police officer because it must be hard to own up to your mistakes. Herbert was taken to a jail cell and was served dinner. Herbert tried to look on the bright side because now he didn’t have to find something to eat. The police have tried to arrest Herbert many times before for “robbing” many stores. But, Herbert was always found innocent because he had never stolen anything. Herbert had only been in the jail cell for three days, when the police officer came to get him. “Herbert, I have really great news. Someone came into the police station as a witness to your story. Her name is Sylvia, and she is fourteen years old. Do you know her?” asked the policeman “I have not met anyone named Sylvia before, and how did she see what had happened? said Herbert “Sylvia was afraid of telling the police about what happened because she was skipping school and didn’t want anyone to find out. But, she came in and said she was hiding behind the dumpster and witnessed the whole thing. She told the exact same story as you did, so we are letting you go!” explained the

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