Where Have You Been? Why Didn T You Let Anyone Know?

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I get home at about noon one day and my mom bombards me with questions. She says “Where have you been? Why didn't you let anyone know? Why didn't you clean your room like I told you to?” and blah blah blah. I responded with “cuz”. That really made her mad and she ordered me to clean my room today or I would get grounded (even though I knew she wouldn't really.) My room wasn't even as dirty as it could've been. She always nags and nags about things that don't really matter, and its so, so annoying. Being the basic teenager I am, I argued about how my room isn't any of her business. If she doesn't like it so much then she doesn't have to look at it. It's not like anyone else cares about my room, so why should she? She tells me the basic mom things and the classic “because I said so” to all my whys. She tells me she didn't raise me to live like a slob, but it wasn't even that bad! Sure there were some clothes on the floor, sure my bed was a mess, sure there was random unorganized things everywhere but it wasn't that bad. …show more content…

I made my bed, which I haven't done since my sheets were washed a few weeks ago. The worst thing was cleaning out my closet (which I was in for years). I picked up the clothes and shoes from the floor and shelf and put them where they were supposed to be. I swept and mopped my floor which had dried blue, red, and yellow paint on it that's been there for

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