When The Ground Turns In Its Sleep Summary

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When the Ground Turns in Its Sleep takes after the experience of Nitido Aman in Guatemala where he was born but he had stayed away for a while until his dad's death. Nitido depicts a diasporic anxiety in desiring to return to his country and the issues of finding the history of oneself. Nitido knows that his family born in Guatemala, yet he doesn't know where, or why his family left. As the story continues Nitido understands that his connections to the past are vanishing. So he goes to Guatemala, against his mom's desires, to perceive what he can reveal for himself. When he arrived in Rito Rito, he was hoping to ask questions about his family and why they left. While visiting Rio Rio the town had request a new priest and it so happens that Aman showed up and was mistaken for the town ‘s new priest. Sylvia Sellers-Garcia's book When the Ground Turns in Its Sleep investigates the ideas of diaspora, and the issue of forgetting the history of the past. The story …show more content…

Meaning that there really is not a real truth to the story of Guatemala. Others only know what people tell them from their past experience. Santos did not want to tell them. Nitido at first because the history of Rio Rio is always kept a secret and is never spoken about. “Santos, at least, seemed to have no doubts; all his silences were intentional. He would not, for example, speak to me about Naranjo”. (235) Nitido would try asking Santos questions about Naranja and the lives of the people that lived there and Santos would just act “slow, cautious, and deliberate, so that when each conversation ended Arman realized told him more about his self and still learned nothing from him. Which I found interesting because Santos was trying to get to know more about Nitido before telling him the history of the town. Which gives the readers idea that maybe Santos thought that Aman knew more about Guatemala then he

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