What role public sculpture play in the constructing notion of national identity?

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This essay will examine the role public sculpture plays in the constructing notion of national identity. I will present a selection of public sculptures to demonstrate and critically analyze this statement, looking at the awareness of national identity as it is both influenced by art and influences art itself. Overall the artists that I shall be discussing, in particular to their mentioned works which when cross referenced form an interrelated group not just in context but also in their approach, shall give a three-dimensional insight to the true affect public sculpture plays in the ever-changing notion of national identity.

Firstly we have to question, how do we define national identity? There is a long and complicated history of nationalism in Britain, which is still present today, that has lent a charged significance to the concept of national identity. An article by Migrant Voice gives a rather perfect definition of what it means to British, it says: “There are varying definitions of what it means to be British. For some, [being British comes] down to your heritage, [the belief that if you were born in England and if you were raised in England then you must be British, but] to others it’s your passport that counts.” If we consider this as fact then we must consider ourselves British if we apply to any of the following; owning a British passport, speaking English as a first language, attending a British school or university, successfully holding a British job, having been born in England. However, in the end it’s all a social and cultural construct that we give to ourselves. In some cases it is as easy as saying I am British. To say, “I live in Britain, I go to school in Britain, I work in Britain, and therefor I am British.”...

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...s a British sculpture right down to materials used to sculpt it. Its effect on society is…

Works Cited

1. (no author), (no date), ‘What really makes you British?’ Migrant Voice. Available at: http://www.migrantvoice.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=101:what-really-makes-you-british&catid=34:archive

2. Linnea West, 2012-13, ‘Context & Identity in Contemporary Hungarian Art’ Wordpress. Available at: http://contextandidentity.wordpress.com/essay/

3. (no author), 2008, ‘Royal Artillery Memorial’ Wikipedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Artillery_Memorial#Design_and_symbolism

4. (no author), 2007, ‘Portland Stone’ Wikipedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_stone#Geological_information

5. (no author), 2007, ‘Charles Sargeant Jagger’ Wikipedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sargeant_Jagger

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