What is Herbology?

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Herbology is a huge field that requires a lot of time, care, and memorization. The growth of these plants first of all requires some simple tools. Dragon hide gloves are best to be used when planting as they provide optimal protection. A witch or wizard must have either dragon dung or regular fertilizer in order to grow the plants and keep them healthy. Also watering the plants are essential, you can water a plant with regular water or centaur tear water which is healthier. However, there are many controversies over the ethics of the obtaining of said tears.

There are many different plants in the world that much is clear. Many of them are non-magical but many more are magical. They are used in potions for different things and the non-magical is just as important as the magical plants, however. Some examples of important plants used in potions is rose thorns, knotgrass, wolfsbane, and peppermint.

There are four of the most basic plants used in any potion, these are Dittany, Gillyweed, Valareian root, and Knotgrass. Dittany is the most essential plant for healers and portioniers alike. It is best for revival and extraction of poisons, but is very difficult to attain naturally. Gillyweed is the most interesting of the basic herbs. It is a slimy weed that grows underwater but when take makes the wizard or witch grow gills and webbed feet for up to an hour! Valarian root is best used for calming potions and can be placed in teas or potions to calm the taker down. It is also worn by grooms at weddings to ward of elves that are full of envy! Finally, knotgrass is a root that is symbolic for tying people together. Knotgrass is most famous for being used in polyjuice potions but is also used in the production of love potions.

There are...

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...uses there are cures for diarrhea, eye sores, influenza, burns, helps with kidneys, and even antidepressant, just to name a few.

Finally the last thing we have learned this year is about the gardening effect, alien species and their hazards. The gardening was a view on herbology in which the perception of herbologists was discussed. Many people don't take herbologists seriously and for that face problems finding jobs in the everyday wizarding world. They are paid less than people in the same occupation and are often pressured by family members to join more "reliable" jobs such as potions to make ends meet. Alien species are plants that take up root in a location that they are not native to. This can cause problems for the environment because it can take up too much water or even poison areas by cutting off supply to other plants and becoming extremely over grown.

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