Michael Ginseng Research Paper

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One plant with medical use from the Apiaceae plant family was the carrot. It was used to treat Jaundice. I find this interesting because it is a plant considered to be a common food. One would not think it was anything special since it is so commonly found. It may have been used to treat Jaundice because of its color, or maybe because people who ate plenty of carrots never had eye problems.

One plant with magical use from the Apiaceae plant family was angelica. It was said to be a preservative against evil spirits and witchcraft. I found this interesting because the plant was connected to Michael the Archangel. As a Christian, it intrigues me that a plant would be connected to an angel. This association must come from the idea that since the flower blooms on the exact day of Michael the Archangel, that they believed that there was a divine reason for it doing so. They might have taken it as a sign that the plant was important. Any plant that bloomed on that Michael's day, could certainly not be evil, and therefore, be the exact opposite, and protect against it. …show more content…

It is used commonly for medicine, it may also be drank or eaten recreationally, is said to reduce stress, and increase longevity. It is extremely valuable. This has caused some people to illegally poach the wild ginseng for financial profit in western North Carolina. They sell the ginseng to people in China, mainly to the people in Hong Kong. The demand for ginseng has caused it to become scarce in the 12 of 19 states it grows in, and it may soon disappear in the

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