What Was The Significance Of The Civil Rights Movement In The 1960's

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Civil rights movement started in the year of 1955, and ended up in the year of 1968. It's one of the most influenced event in the American history. This movement started by the
African-American, mainly to get back their rights, which was taken by the white people.
Meanwhile, lots of white people begun to support this movement. As we know, after the
Africa—American firstly being introduced to America, most of them could only earn themselves by beinga solve‘ in the farm owned by the white people. They've got no rights, being abused by their owners. This condition was improved firstly by the end of the American civil war. Nominal,

they finally could get the equal rights with the white people. However, due to the low level i A . :3

education …show more content…

As a result, the civil rights movement broke out.

During that time, lots of songs were written, mainly to express their feeling that whether you were white or black, we were all human—beings. We should get the equal rights. The white. got no rights to be treated as if they were rather superior. For example, the song …show more content…

She used plenty of examples that the unequal rights the black received in different places in her lyrics, screaming to the crowds that the black needed to get back their rights that had been lost. Another example should be mentioned was the song
”Hurricane” written by Bob Dylan. In his song, he wrote a story about a black boxer who could be the world champion. Unfortunately, he was arrested and being sent into a jail for some reasons that nobody could figure it out. This story he wrote in his lyrics reflected that the racialism did hurt the black people. P h M(__w, W‘. :7 7: W“

From that two examples, we can know that there were mainly two kinds of ways to express the singer's feelings during that time. One was to scream to the crowds that might

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