What Role Did Women Play In The Revolutionary War

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Women and such called slaves played a huge role in the revolutionary war. Such as when the men went off to war the women and daughters had to take over the men's jobs such as managing the farm and shops, cutting wood. And the women played a huge role by giving good foods to the many soldiers and like cleaning. Without the women some soldiers would either die of starvation and more but the women played a big role in the revolutionary war. What this document suggests about the role of women in the Revolutionary War is the women were very important to the soldiers. The women made it so the soldiers had clean clothes to wear, the women made it so some of the soldiers didn't starve to death.The women had to do all the chores for the men and they …show more content…

“They served as cooks, seamstresses, nurses, and scavengers of battlefield equipment. They also helped to bury the dead. During battles, women nicknamed “Molly Pitcher” would bring water to swab out the guns and hand powder or shot to the men as they loaded and fired. Women such as Molly Ludwig Hays even filled in for soldiers who were wounded or killed.” (Discovery education 3). The women were just as strong and maybe even stronger than the men and when they had to do a job or were ordered to do something they did it with no complaints or the orders came before the other things they had to do. The impact that the people from these groups have on the outcome of the war is there was the independance of the war and independence meant there would be no more protection from the British and when the french won they then lost peace.. “For this reason, the end of the war led to exile, or forced absence, for many Loyalists. Many found they could no longer live alongside their neighbors. They saw no option but to leave America for British Canada or England, giving up their homes, businesses, and land. Wars are expensive ”(Discovery education

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