What Role Did Women Play In The Revolutionary War

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Women in the revolutionary war played an important role, they couldn’t even fight. If opinion and manners did not forbid them to march to glory by the same paths as the men. The women had to raise money for the soldiers’ clothing during the American Revolutionary war. The women were like stay at home wives. All they do is stay home and work for their husbands. The document suggest about the role of women in the Revolutionary War is when the men go off to war the women stay home and do their work for the day “Women were actively involved in many aspects of the war for independence. Many men went off to war, leaving wives and daughters at home to do their former work, such as managing farms and shops” (Discovery Education 3.5 pg 3). The daughters and wives of the men stayed home to do their work at home. The women also learned to adjust to shortages of everyday goods “ when salt was scarce, women learned to use walnut ash to preserve meat” (Discovery Education 3.5 pg 3). The women and the daughters mostly did housework and farm work while the men went to war to fight. …show more content…

While some women stayed home others were spies and messengers for American generals for the war. They risked being caught and executed as they traveled through enemy territory. Women also served as cooks, seamstresses, nurses, and scavengers “They served as cooks, seamstresses, nurses, and scavengers of battlefield equipment. They also helped to bury the dead”( Discovery Education 3.5 pg 3). There were other jobs for women during the Revolutionary War. Not all of them stayed home and worked on the

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