What Our Education Needs Is More F's Summary

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“What our education system needs is more F’s” by Carl Singleton is saying that the system of education needs to raise its standards, and to do this they need to start giving more F’s . Singleton states, “Let me make it clear that I recommend giving this F’s- by the dozens, hundreds, thousands, even millions- only to students who haven’t learned the required material.” (Singleton 232) Our education system should not be giving more F’s because some students have disabilities, it can decrease students’ motivation, and there is uneven content in the classroom across America. Although some may think that education systems should give more F’s, they should research before they do. Although there may be some students that have truly earned F’s, there are also the ones that do not deserve F’s. There are some students that do not have the same learning skills as others do. For this reason education systems should not give more F’s, some student just can’t help the way they learn. Raising the standards in the classroom would not help the students with lower learning abilities. Another thing to consider is that some students have learning disabilities such as special education. All things considered, education systems should not give out more F’s. …show more content…

Arguably, giving students an F would only decrease their motivation. For this reason the American education system would not benefit from this. If a student earns so many F’s over time , they will not have the motivation to continue doing their work because they will feel defeated or not smart enough. A student could spend hours doing homework, or studying, but then they get an F for the hard work they put in. Students will not want to continue putting in long hours on homework, or studying if they don’t get anything good in

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