What Occurred During The 1950's

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2. The 1950s was a period of both consensus and discontent, which impacted the political, social, and cultural history of the decade. There were numerous things that the people agreed and disagreed on, like anticommunism and McCarthyism, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the Civil Rights Movement. The country seemed divided about almost every event that occurred during this time period because the air was filled with so much tension from the Cold War.
During the 1950s, the anticommunist movement was alive and kicking. Americans were terrified of the Soviet Union and their newly acquired nuclear power and disagreed about how the government was handling the situation. On one hand, some were pointing fingers at possible Soviet spies, while others were quietly praying that no one accused them of espionage. During this time period, thousands of people were investigated by the FBI as Soviet spies, most of which had nothing to do with the Soviet Union or communism at all. Some argue that people went crazy during the 1950s, indicting tons of innocent people, but some claim that their actions were justified. Whether someone was …show more content…

The Korean War proved to be fairly heated for numerous reasons, including the firing of General Douglas MacArthur. When President Truman fired the general because he defied the President’s orders to make no public statements, the White House was flooded with calls and letters in support of General MacArthur. The Korean War was also highly debated and unpopular because of the way it ended. The war itself had been brutal, with thousands losing their lives, and when it ended, things pretty much stayed the same as Korea remained divided and communism had yet to invade South Korea. The Korean War reshaped the Cold War period, transformed the foreign policy of the government, and militarized a war that had no actual fighting

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