What Makes Superman A Hero

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Since we were born we have been taught good and bad. Then later in life, we start to recognize these qualities in people, when we were little those people were Superman and Lex Luther ( in my case they were Professor X and Magneto ). But what makes Superman a hero? How do we determine people as villains? We can recognize these heroes and villains dating back to early mythology. In through out history, we can also distinguish similries in the storylines of mythology. Like the types of adventures the protagonist goes on, the unsuspecting tragedy and the power of an uplifting story. But why do still care about stories from thousands of years ago? What kind of impact does mythology have on modern storytelling?
“Evil can be fostered by dehumanization, …show more content…

The charming, good-doing character of every story.We can identify heroism in many different ways. First, it’s performed in service to others in need—whether that’s a person, group, or community—or in defense of certain ideals. Second, it’s engaged in voluntarily, even in military contexts, as heroism remains an act that goes beyond something required by military duty. Third, a heroic act is one performed with recognition of possible risks and costs, be they to one’s physical health or personal reputation, in which the actor is willing to accept anticipated sacrifice. Finally, it is performed without external gain anticipated at the time of the act.” said Philip Zimbardo. People who are considered heroes have this great concern and sympathy for others and are openly willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect humanity. What a Hero must do? “There are key events of a typical hero’s journey, including the call to action that gets the ball rolling, departure from the ordinary world, trials that take place in the special world of the story, crisis, return home, and the new life that begins once the quest is complete. And, as he points out, myths and stories from all over the world that span all of recorded history reflect these key events. Each hero may have a different quest, a unique cast of characters, and a specific setting, but each hero’s path is more or less the same.” Barbara McNally from Huffington …show more content…

They are bound to have some common similarities in themes.
One scenario, is where the protagonist needs to rise from a nefarious force that threatens the land. It may seem as if there is no chance of accomplishment, but with bravery and proper use of their capabilities.
An example of this theme is the story of Greek heroes Odysseus and Achilles. Where Achilles showed his strength as a great warrior in the Trojan war. With the help of Odysseus they were able to conquer a 10 year long battle. They returned to their town as heroes to their friends and family with joy. In Hindu culture, one of the most noteworthy stories is the tale of Durga, who was one of the few female heroes that triumphed over Mahisasur, the almighty demon king. A king so arrogant who couldn’t fathom being killed by a woman. Her success earned her the first celebrations of Dashin. One of the most meaningful festivals in India. Also in Hindu culture is the story of Kumar Karitkeya ( not the vice president of linkedIn ) whose sole purpose since birth was to kill the demon Tarkasur. He was raised by Kiritkas, nowhere near his parents for protection. He was appointed chief and set out for a battle with Tarkasur. He came out with flying colors, he was even offered king of heaven as a reward. But he deemed his duties as chief to be more important to his town and

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