What Makes A Powerful Metaphors?

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Powerful Metaphors Metaphors have become a major part of literary pieces. By comparing two unrelated things, metaphors create a strong, vivid picture in our mind. Metaphors have become so widely used in literature since they power the reader's imagination to express emotions and impressions. But what makes a powerful metaphor? Something with endless explanations? Or something that creates a powerful picture in your mind? Or something that can be analyzed with great depth? Metaphors are often used in everyday speech and in literature, but a powerful metaphor is made when it lets the reader really activate their imagination with endless thoughts whilst also being able to connect it to real life events. Metaphors should allow the reader to connect …show more content…

This metaphor is used to describe racist cops. The word ‘trouble’ in this metaphor means expecting the worst. The ‘Blackjack’ is a leather police-club that the police would use. So this metaphor means that a cop is waiting at the basketball courts with a blackjack ready to punish these kids whenever he sees a chance. The black kids, knowing this, are expecting the worst scenario in this situation. This metaphor allows the reader to open its mind to real life situations and problems. Since the metaphor describes the black kids expecting the worst from a cop, it really sets your mind up to realize that these situations also happen in real life. It opens up about the occurrence of racism in our country and the problems we have in our country. A powerful metaphor should allow the reader to open up their imagination and connect it to real life events In addition, powerful metaphors should also be able to leave the reader with endless questions and thoughts. I'm not a snob! Who are you? Is a poem that describes the thoughts of a ‘nobody’ and what they think of a ‘somebody’ using many metaphors to express their thoughts. I’m not a snob! Who are you?”(I’m nobody! Who are …show more content…

But it also questions the reader. Are they a somebody? Or are they a nobody? This metaphor allows the reader to connect it to real life situations where they can feel like nobody or somebody. This makes the reader go on an endless train of thoughts with no explanation in sight. Metaphors should allow the reader to activate their mind with endless possibilities and let them relate it to everyday situations. Furthermore, the article So where are you from, has many great metaphors. But, one really expresses itself, “When they were afraid of placing her in a box. As though they were giving her the option of which box to climb into” (So where are you from). The word ‘box’ in this metaphor allows the reader to have many different interpretations. It opens your mind to the endless possibilities. Maybe it’s like putting a label on somebody? Or categorize someone by how they look? Or literally putting them in a box? Moreover, it can also be related to real life events. In this metaphor, you can relate this metaphor to real life events and conversations. All in all, metaphors should allow the reader to connect with real life events and leave with endless

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