What Makes A Culturally Customized Web Site

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Cultural customization of a website is the process of involving cultural elements into the design of the site itself. The cultural designs can be a specific color that inspires the audience, a specific written language that is culturally relevant to the community, and keywords that strongly impact cultural mindsets of visitors. Combining these and many other factors that create a specific cultural we are able to target individual local markets compared to the global international market.
In Jaime Christine Perez’s paper in 2012 she states that keywords are critical aspects of cultural customization and should be as specific as possible to the cultural the marketer is attempting to reach (Perez). Using these cultural specific keywords allows a marketer to connect to a target market by understanding the perception of the community. According to The Culturally Customized Web Site “perception envelops the broad area of human processes ranging from sensation to concept formation” (Singh). These perceptions are heavily impacted by culture through the values and ideals of the community. Using the community perceptions on the environment, language, and color within the design layout of a company website will allow for greater conversions and better understanding of the community culture at large. …show more content…

Within one culture a color will mean something completely different then it would to another culture. A great example of this is the color Red. Within the European and Western cultures the color red stands usually for danger, love and excitement. When you look at the color red to the Chinese culture it is a traditional bridal color and represents good luck (Sibagraphics). From a southern American cultural standpoint brides would never wear a red dress to a wedding because of the anger and aggression that comes with wearing that specific color through our mindset

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