What It Means To Be An American Essay

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What does it mean to be an American? Many people say being an American is a privilege, others might not think twice about being so fortunate. Being an American means that I have the opportunity to perform “The Pledge Of Allegiance” everyday, and that I have the right to freedom of speech. Being an American means to help another, no matter if they’re Afghan, Irish, Chinese, or Mexican. Being an American means helping your enemy, no matter how much it pains you, but you help them with dignity and pride. Being an American means that you appreciate and admire the essence of every being, from the smallest little sprout to the most famous celebrity in the world. It means that we have renewed hope every day we get up in the morning. Being American means to be united as one, under God, and to be able to rely on and help each other. The three …show more content…

America has one of the most diverse cultures in the world. In fact, it is impossible to define an American as one race or religion because of our immense diversity. Being an American in such a diverse culture means to be conscientious and respectful of everyone’s rights and opinions. Ronald Reagan felt that equality is something that our nation cannot lose or else we will all fall. He says, “If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.” Immigrants travel to America seeking refuge and safety, and once Lady Liberty greets them from her pedestal, they know they have reached a place free of judgement. Without immigrants, America wouldn’t be what America is today. Even a few of our founding fathers and highly respected government officials were immigrants. Everyone who lives in America unlocks the right to equality. The Great Seal of America, as displayed throughout our country, reads “E pluribus unum”. This translates to “From many, one”. Proving that no matter your race, religion, skin color, or ancestry, we are all one under this mighty nation, protected by

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